Per inviare comunicazioni:

15th July


Celebrating the memory of St. Bonaventura, a contemporary of St. Thomas d’Aquino, at 7.15 am we sing the praises of the Lord and receive spiritual nourishment from the Holy Eucharist. We are now ready, after breakfast to start our day's work.

At 9.00 am the moderator Sr. Laura Grigis explains that we will work in groups, coming together according to our entities: Provinces, Delegations, communities of Uganda. The work is to highlight critical points that have emerged during the days before, and that we believe will have impact on the life of the whole Congregation.

At 10.15 am in the assembly the reading of the points observed by each entity takes place.

After a short break returning into the working hall the moderator explains that the problems encountered can be divided into recommendations or petitions or explanations of other critical issues already mentioned and therefore they will be handled during the times of the timetable already foreseen in the program for these subjects . Three sisters are volunteers to make the division of the problems according to these topics.
Lunch time is near therefore the booklet of the General Plan of Formation (PGF) is distributed to everybody so that we can view it waiting to talk about it more widely in the afternoon.
At 3.30 pm the moderator is Sr. M. Juana Segura. Sr. M. Elvira reads the presentation and introduction to the PGF giving a summary of the journey done and what the text contains. The moderator invites then the three members of the drafting committee - Sr. M. Laura Grigis, Sr. M. Viviana Sisack and Elettra Viel, lay associate - to share their experience and the richness emerged, despite the fatigues which has been for each of them to confront, discuss, explore the themes prepared in the two meetings of Albi for this purpose.
Follows a wide sharing of Chapter members that highlight the richness of the text, the joy of having it finally in our hands, gratitude for those who have prepared it. And it is Nicole, a lay associate of Guadeloupe, ending with a joyful song for this gift, paraphrasing a few words of a simple rhythmic religious hymn:
We're going to sow the seeds of joy,
the seeds of love that will flourish in our homes:
a Plan of Formation has been given to us, present and gift of God!

After the break the sisters of all entities come together to make better knowledge of the PGF and start thinking about how to implement it locally. At 6.50 pm we start our evening prayer drawing inspiration from the PGF and gratitude to God.

After dinner for those who want it there is a time dedicated to biodanza.