Per inviare comunicazioni:

19th July


It's Sunday, the day of the Lord! Joyfully we praise him for all his gifts. During the Eucharist, we receive the invitation to be among the sheep, in accordance with the Gospel and with the frequent exhortations of the Pope. Gathered in the General Chapter, we sisters are called on thinking about the good of the flock like a shepherd.
Immediately after breakfast, from 8.30 to 9.30 a.m., language groups work to end the examination of the numbers of the Directory, then we share and vote numbers in plenary session. At last, we vote even every chapter of the text and finally the whole Directory as a single text: applause of joy seals the effort accomplished! It is now 11 a.m. and Sr. M. Juana, the moderator in charge, announces we will be free until 3.30 p.m. to better praise the Lord. Hooray!
At lunch we enjoy because the Delegation of the Frontiers offers us an excellent ice cream to celebrate the Sr. M. Consuelo’s 48 years of religious profession..: may the Lord grant her long years to witness His love!
In the afternoon, thanks to Sr. Ana Maria Donato's methodological guidance, we begin a new step of discernment: collecting what we have already thought (how many sheets ... !!) and also bearing in mind the Final Document of the General Chapter 2009, first personally, then in groups, we begin to think about the future planning of the global actions that could face the critical points and give MORE LIFE to the Congregation in the next six-year period.


Each group ends to work at 7 p.m. and decides how to live the moment of prayer before dinner.


After dinner a relaxing time is ready, except for the two secretaries, always working late ...
