Per inviare comunicazioni:

7th july

The day

The day began with the laud prepared by the province of Italy and the Frontier Delegation.

At 9:00 we were all gathered in the Chapter hall: the moderator of the day, Sr. M. Juana Segura explained, that the day would be dedicated to the knowledge of the reality of the Congregation through the report of the Prioress General (in the morning) and the General Bursar (in the afternoon), which would be followed by a personal and group work.

Sr. Ana Maria Donato gave us the following useful criteria to keep in mind while reading: deep listening, receiving into the heart what is presented; reception and assimilation of what is already known, openness to understand the things that are new to us.

At 12.00 noon, we had the Inauguration Mass of the Chapter presided by Auxiliary Bishop of Central Rome, Mons. Matteo Maria Zuppi. He encouraged us to let ourselves be "pushed" by the wind of the Spirit to the world, to be "great" as the apostles that put their smallness in the hands of the Spirit, and lived true fraternal communion, not the life of condominium.

In the afternoon, after the economic report by Sr. M. Laura Restelli, we received an outline for work on the listened relations , to be firstly studied personally before groups discussion. There are 5 groups, each composed of seven sisters. The working group has continued even after dinner.

