Per inviare comunicazioni:

8th July


7.15 a. m. : Prayer of Lauds followed by Mass animated in English by our sisters of Pakistan. The Celebrant, who will accompany us in this time, is P. Wladimiro Bogoni, guanellian, we know him as President of the "Pro children of Kabul ".

9.00 a.m. : Plenary Assembly. The moderator Sr. M. Juana invites us to begin the meeting by sharing the work we have done in groups last night. Therefore each of the secretaries of the groups presents the conclusions of his group.

After expressing an exchange on the reflections heard, the facilitator Ms. Adriana Escudero, explains the track for the work of the day. It was to continue the knowledge of the reality of the Congregation through the final texts of the pre-Chapter Assemblies grouped into five areas: Mission, Spirituality, Fraternal Life, Government-Animation, Formation: first a personal work followed by the work in the single groups.

3.30 p.m. : After a short moment of Assembly for further clarification, we meet in our little groups to bring together the findings in the personal work. After a short interval for the break, at 6.00 p.m. we share in plenary the answers of each group, according to the assigned area, which was followed by a free feed-back.

The plenary ends with a moment of silent prayer followed by the song of the Magnificat of Taizé

7.30 p.m. : Souper, dinner, supper… and no extra work!
