Per inviare comunicazioni:

10th July


A cool breeze takes us on this new day, a relief in the morning!
We celebrate morning prayer and the Eucharist animated by the sisters of the Delegation of France / Spain and Guadeloupe.
At 9.00 am with the Assembly we welcome the four lay associates invited to our General Chapter III: Miss. Gina Villanueva, Mrss. Nicole Jouglineu and Electra Viel, Mr Marco Cacelli. After the presentation, they leave the Chapter room to work under the guidance of Mrs. Adriana Escudero: they have to work on the conclusions to which we, the sisters, reached during the days before. Tomorrow they will join the Assembly to work together with us.
Later, the Sisters receive the scheme to work during the day. We have to "explore" all the material already worked during the days before, to get to find the core more substantial reality that we are contemplating, analyzing and specifying. Today we seek the 'critical points' - that hinders the growth and development of life in the Congregation - and that if not resolved, will lead the Family to death. First there is a personal work, where we list the critical points in order of urgency, then we join in two or three sisters and we agree on 4 to 5 points, then we find ourselves in groups to discern 3 points awarded. 
The working group are continuing during the afternoon and will end with two mini assemblies: one formed by the union of two groups and one by the union of three groups. Before the dinner, the aim of the two mini-plenary is to prepare three critical points each and end with a prayer.
After dinner, for those who want it, it is repeated a relaxing time with the bio-dance led by Sr. Ana Maria.
